All Categories - Arthur Yeomans
Personally, when I come to a book, I have a whole range of desires, some of which are...
The blogger Cindy Navarro has reviewed the Bobtails series so far: Preacher's Kid and Cousins...
This book presents an amazing conflict, and keeps it going through the whole book. I’m not sure I...
Well, K.A. Ramstad over at 'Story Warren' has written a review of The Bobtails meet the Preacher...
This review might seem like it comes from left field for this blog... but it doesn't. My writing...
2023年4月15日 ·
“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.” – Illustrated London News,...
2023年4月15日 ·
Wise people learn when they can; fools learn when they must.
As a homeschooling grandfather (meaning we homeschooled our kids and our kids are now...
Historical fiction can be a marvelous medium for the Christian writer. So much that happened in...
So, No Ordinary School is coming on line... what's next? The next book is 'The Bobails and the...
2023年4月13日 ·
So, I have this podcast that I listen to to try to understand what the 'squishy right' thinks...
2023年4月12日 ·
So, the Kindle version of No Ordinary School is finally up! I'm sure that there are still some...
2023年4月4日 ·
There are three kinds of men: ones that learn by reading, few who learn by observation, and the...
So, we're working on the last little bits of editing for No Ordinary School... tweaking the...
2023年3月31日 ·
An odd beginning to this book review: My praise is for the original editions. The modern ‘adapted...
2023年3月31日 ·
Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow...
2023年2月8日 ·
Local Custom by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. A clash of cultures… What happens when a woman...
2023年2月2日 ·
Everyone once in a while a book comes along that serves as the gold standard for their genre. The...
2023年1月24日 ·
The Mote in God’s Eye. Jerry Pournell writes good science fiction, and Larry Niven writes good...
2022年12月16日 ·
“Misers get up early in the morning; and burglars, I am informed, get up the night before.” – “On...